Light Hands Equitation
Soft Feel, Light Horses
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"As I spend my time helping people with their horses, one thing that always sticks in the back of my mind is 'I wonder if they have any idea of what is possible, with the horse they already own".
~Steve Halfpenny
Steve Halfpenny is a renowned Australian horseman and dressage trainer known for his expertise in natural horsemanship and the Light Hands Equitation (LHE) method.
Steve focuses on creating a partnership between horse and rider through gentle and effective communication. His approach blends traditional dressage principles with natural horsemanship techniques, aiming to achieve softness, lightness, and harmony in horse training.
Steve conducts clinics, offers online courses, and has a strong following in the equestrian community for his compassionate and effective training methods.
Online Learning and App

Monthly Membership
Join Steve every month with new exercises and videos to follow. Plus chat direct with Steve to answer all you questions with a monthly zoom catch up!

The Groundwork Toolkit
The Trail Brave - 100 miles a month program is designed to build confidence and connection with your horse through this specialised training to help you out on the trail.

Float/Trailer Loading
For a lot of horse people, floating their horse can be the most stressful thing they do. Overcome this hurdle in your horsemanship journey so you can continue to enjoy you horses and come to visit us!

Clinics held all year in many different styles, dressage, trail riding, working equitation, liberty and groundwork, polocrosse, roping and more!
Plus you can book yourself a horse holiday, camp at our place, and make use of all of our facilities.
Irena Halfpenny takes all of our bookings, so register your interest by filling out the form below.
Check out our clinic calendarCLINICS ON THE ROAD
Check out where we will be around South Australia, Interstate and Overseas.
For all clinics on the road, please book directly with the clinic host. Host details can be found in the event details.
Check out our clinic calendarVisit Us at
Silversand Horsemanship Centre
340 Park Road, Blanchetown South Australia
Use this form to email Irena with any questions about clinics, lessons, and general enquiries.
Thanks to our sponsors
Thanks to Mitavite for their continued sponsorship. Our horses have never looked better!
We realy appreciate the products and the way the company support the horse community through education. I have called on them many times to get help for a student with a nutrition issue.
Olympic Trailers
Thanks to Candice from Olympic Trailers for a great deal on our new float.